The Municipality of Medellín is the second-largest city in Colombia and the capital of the state of Antioquia. The Rio Porce river runs through the center of the city. The metropolitan area of Medellin includes nine other cities with a combined population of 3.9 million people. Medellín is the second-largest urban agglomeration in Colombia in terms of population and economy. Many citizens living in areas of informal housing lack access to running water, electricity, or waste collection services. These informal areas are prone to landslides and flooding and are identified as “risk zones.”
The 2C Medellín project is similar to 2C Cusco, focusing on urban flow and waste management. Focusing on one neighborhood, 2C partner Ecocity Builders has introduced a process for mapping and analysis examining waste management and recycling. This approach has sparked the interest of the Subsecretario of Education who has expressed interest in integrating this approach into the Medellín school system.
The 2C Medellin project explores the dynamics of resilient and healthy urban ecosystems by examining city neighborhoods in relation to urban flows, in particular – waste management. The 2C Medellín project is developing methods for mapping local geospatial knowledge of the community.
Through local workshops, data collection focused on the neighborhood scale conducting multiple surveys on waste, water quality, building characteristics, potential locations for community composting, and quality of life. Mapping has focused on Comuna 8 where a strong community partnership has formed. A Medellin Map Book was prepared for the local government and an initial urban flows analysis of waste implemented leading to new strategies for recycling.
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